Meet Ryan Cleckner


Early Life

Ryan was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ.  He attended public schools and grew up camping, hunting, hiking, and all things outdoors. There aren’t many places in Arizona that Ryan hasn’t explored – from the desert valley to the red rocks of Sedona, the Grand Canyon, and pine-trees and mountains of Flagstaff.

Shortly after graduating high school, Ryan left for the military. He enlisted in the Army because, like many young men, he was looking for a change and guidance in his life. He completed basic training, airborne school, and the Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP) to make his way into the U.S. Army’s elite 1st Ranger Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment.

In the Rangers, Ryan found his niche as a special operations sniper and sniper team leader. He was fortunate to attend many military schools to include the world’s premier sniper school, the Special Operations Target Indterdication Course, the Primary Leadership Development Course where he was voted “Best Leader” by his peers and was an honor graduate, the French Alpine Mountaineering Course of which he was in the first group of Americans to ever graduate, and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-I) school after which he became a Nationally Registered EMT.

After two combat deployments to Afghanistan, Ryan was ready to return home and continue his college education. While attending school, Ryan worked for years as a sniper instructor for military and police snipers. He also taught outdoor-related classes at a local community college.



Ryan received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from Arizona State University. He had originally pursued medical school, and had completed all of his pre-medical requirements, however, as an older student he decided that he had already had enough sleepless nights in the military and didn’t go to medical school.

However, Ryan needed another challenge in his life. Considering law school, Ryan took the entrance exams and applied to various law schools. Although he had been accepted to many law schools, he was made an offer that he couldn’t refuse from a private school in New England, Quinnipiac University.

Quinnipiac started a program called the “Dean’s Fellows Program” wherein the school offered full-ride scholarships and a stipend to students that would be leaders from within the student body. Quinnipiac flew Ryan out for the weekend, offered Ryan the scholarship, and soon after, he was off to Connecticut.

Ryan graduated law school with honors and with a specialty in tax/corporate law.



While in law school, Ryan worked as the manager of Federal government relations for the firearms industry’s trade association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation in Newtown, CT.

Ryan then served as an attorney and as a Vice President over compliance and security for the largest firearms manufacturer in the country, Remington Outdoor Company (formerly Freedom Group) which is made up of many industry brands such as Remington, Bushmaster, DPMS, AAC, Dakota, Barnes, and many more.

Ryan traveled nearly non-stop which was taxing his time with his family which now included two small children. Knowing his priorities, Ryan moved with his family to Huntsville, AL to help set up a new facility as part of his exit.

Ryan then started teaching Constitutional Law courses at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

While teaching at UAH, Ryan wrote a book on long-range shooting from which he donates 25% of the proceeds to military charities. That book far exceeded Ryan’s expectations – it has been the #1 Bestseller on Amazon in its category for over two years and has sold more than 40,000 copies to date.

Because of his success writing and producing other media, Ryan practices law on a limited basis. This has allowed him to focus on and homeschool his children as a single father and also start and run a few different companies including one that focuses on school safety.


Professional Experience


RocketFFL – How to Get an FFL – 2016-present
RocketCCW – Online CCW Course – 2017-present
Mayday Safety – Emergency Management Software – 2017-present
Gun University – Firearm Reviews and Rankings – 2018-present
FFLSafe – FFL Software and Training – 2024-present

Public Speaking

Senate Judiciary – Firearm laws and ATF enforcement – 2024
Hillsdale College – ATF Over-reach – 2024
House Judiciary – ATF over-reach – 2024
House Judiciary – Reining in the Administrative State – 2023


Law Office of Ryan M. Cleckner – 2015-present


University of Alabama in Huntsville, Constitutional Law – 2015-present
Quinnipiac University School of Law, Compliance/Firearm Law – Guest Lectures
Glendale Community College, Outdoor Education – 2005-2009

Vice President

Remington Outdoor Company – 2012-2015

Manager of Government Relations

National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) – 2010-2012

Sniper Instructor


Special Operations Sniper

US Army, 1/75 Ranger Bn – 1998-2003


Juris Doctorate (J.D.)

Qunnipiac University School of Law, Hamden, CT, 2012

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 2008

Military Training

Special Operations Target Interdiction Course (SOTIC)
Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate (EMT-I)
French Alpine Mountaineering Course
Ranger School
Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP)
Primary Leadership Development Course
Airborne School



Out of Control Law Enforcement Agencies, Imprimus, Hillsdale College

10 Common Arguments for Gun Control, DebunkedThe Federalist

Protecting Yourself After You Protect Yourself, Concealment Magazine, Issue 9

Top 9 Reasons Democrats Latest Gun Control Bill is a Terrible IdeaThe Federalist

6 First Gun Control Measures to Expect from a Biden AdministrationThe Federalist

6 Gun Lies and 1 Truth Obama told in BrazilThe Federalist

What’s Your Position?, Carnivore Magazine, Issue 1

It’s That Simple, Gun Digest Magazine, Volume 34, Issue 9

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Target, RECOIL Magazine, Issue 22

MOA v. MIL, RECOIL Magazine, Issue 23

What’s Your Angle?RECOIL Magazine, Issue 26


University of Alabama in Huntsville

Civil Liberties

American Constitutional Law

Law, Courts, and Public Policy

Quinnipiac University School of Law

Ethics and Compliance (guest lecture)

Firearms Law (guest lecture)

Glendale Community College

Rock Climbing

Land Navigation
