Aug 30, 2017 | Going Ballistic, Podcasts
Ryan and Jason are back to discuss their latest adventures with firearms. Jason shares his rifle builds that we’ve covered in past episodes. He also talks about getting ready for hunting and his experience with different factory rifle ammunition. Ryan has a bit...
Jun 23, 2017 | Going Ballistic, Podcasts
I can’t believe that it has already been 18 months! The Long Range Shooting Handbook is selling better than ever and I’m working hard on the advanced version…. it’s coming soon! Here’s some stats about how the book is doing thanks...
Mar 2, 2017 | Going Ballistic, Podcasts |
Ryan does a podcast from the road and continues from the previous topic of shooting at angles. Also, Cleckner Rifles are discussed including a new partnership with TriggerTech triggers.
Jan 1, 2017 | Going Ballistic, Podcasts |
Ryan explains the effect of shooting at angels and how to compensate for it. Tune in for this trignonometry-heavy discussion on what happens to your bullet when you shoot uphill or downhill and also what happens when your rifle is canted from side to side. Recoil...
Dec 14, 2016 | Going Ballistic, Podcasts |
Jason’s precision AR-15 build is finally complete! The results of his build and also the results of the “El-Cheapo” contest are discussed. There’s only one day left before the giveaway of Ryan’s “El-Cheapo” rifle – you...
Oct 28, 2016 | Going Ballistic, Podcasts |
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