Nov 25, 2018 | Recommendations, Updates
This year, I’ve decided to make my shooter gift guide on my newest website, I’ve organized the gift ideas by budget and by type of shooter. I’d really appreciate you checking it out and passing the link along to others. My wife...
Sep 23, 2018 | Recommendations
Curious about the 300 Precision Rifle Cartridge? Then check out Ryan’s latest article on about what Ryan feels is going to be the hottest new cartridge on the market for both long range shooting and hunting!
Dec 19, 2017 | Recommendations, Uncategorized
Christmas is almost here! Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Check out this Shooter’s Gift Guide that has 5 gifts that will arrive by Christmas if you order them today!
Jun 1, 2017 | FFL, Recommendations, Uncategorized
I’ve recently started a new project at which helps folks get their own FFL License, become an SOT/Class 3 Dealer, and stay in compliance with firearm laws and regulations. Getting your FFL is easier than you think and the cost of an FFL isn’t...
Apr 22, 2017 | Recommendations, Uncategorized
In the Long Range Shooting Handbook I include, and make reference to, some targets that will help you zero your rifle and train better as a precision shooter. These targets are all included here: FREE TARGETS You can also follow the link to the target on the...