Ryan gives you the breakdown on the latest gun controversy, 3-D printing with insight on ITAR and the Export Control Reform Initiative!

– Referred to in the industry as additive manufacturing

– Coolest design in my opinion will be silencers
o Currently limited on silencer baffle design based on what can be machined because you can only get so many
angles or curves with a drill bit. With 3D we’ll get amazing structures, baffles and chambers.


– ITAR (discussed in depth in episode 9) = International Traffic in Arms Regulations

o Regulations are methods made to help carry out laws
o ITAR are state regulations to carry out AECA (Arms Export Control Act)
o Includes rifles, handguns, non-sporting shotguns, their parts & ammunition
 This includes short-barreled shotguns
o Other firearms (non-significant military types) regulated by the Department of Commerce
 This includes shotguns with barrel lengths over 18”
o 3D pistol is a handgun, therefore regulated by ITAR and can’t be exported without a license.
o Export: ITAR definition has nothing to do with leaving the country but rather the arrival of the item.
 Considered an export if it arrives in the hands of a foreign person, regardless if on U.S. soil.
o ITAR also covers technical data and defense services
 Any info necessary for the use or manufacture of the items such as blueprints or tips & tricks.
 Exemption = if it’s publicly available (ie: found on the internet)
• Can’t share what’s yours to make it publicly available
 3D printing files considered technical data
o State departments issue: Plans published on the internet = available to foreign persons = deemed export
o Defensive argument = 2nd amendment freedom of speech rights

– Overall issue isn’t that people can get the 3D plans online and make their own guns, it’s only the deemed export of
it to foreign persons.

– State department backed off and agreed to a settlement.

o Possible reasons:
 Can’t protect the freedom of speech and block this.
 Export Control Reform Initiative (ECR), courtesy of Obama, should be approved soon to include moving rifles,
handguns, tech data, defense services, non-sporting shotguns, parts & ammunition away from ITAR (state) and
under the regulation of the Department of Commerce
• Trump working to get it approved but major shooting incidents are delaying the process
o Individual states still coming out against it however.


– Federal law allows (except by prohibited persons) the making of your own firearms

o Without serial numbers or markings is acceptable
o Only if it’s made with no intention to sell it (although you can decide to sell it AFTER the fact)
o Intending to sell = FFL needed (RocketFFL can walk you through the process)


– Thank you for your patience with me while launching Mayday Safety. I’m grateful to hopefully make a big impact in helping schools, businesses and families around the world protect themselves in emergency situations and save lives.

– Please check out my new children’s safety book! Originally titled Firearm Safety is No Accident but renamed this week to There’s Only One You. Teaches kids an important message about most accidents being recoverable but not so with firearm accidents.