0.205″ group.
I typically don’t put much weight in really small groups over an ability to hit a particular target at distance. I’m not a big fan of “group therapy” because once I’ve confirmed my zero, I want to stretch out my rifle shoot steel at distance – also I’m not that great at shooting pretty little groups. smile emoticon
But every once in a while, like when I’m developing a new load, I spend my time at the range shooting nothing but 100 yard groups for load-to-load comparison.
This is a closeup of the target in the post below. I think I’ll save this one.
Remington 700P with a 16.5″ barrel and a Leupold Mk4 3.5-10x scope shooting Hornday 168gr. BTHP bullets with 42gr. of Hodgdon’s H4895 powder.
The target is available on this website. It has adjustments per gridline for different yardages and instructions to help you zero your rifle: https://www.longrangeshootinghandbook.com/…/Target-10x_-at-…